Beba Bean
LISA MALCIC - Designer & Co-owner
Born in Montreal, Canada and raised in Toronto, fashion has been a passion of Lisa's since she can remember. After her family moved to San Francisco as a teenager, Lisa became inspired by helping her mother, a boutique owner, merchandise, buy and retail woman's clothing.
This was the beginning of her fashion career. After attending Blanche MacDonald School of Design for Fashion Design, Lisa worked for many local design companies and also spent time in theatre and film, working in the costume departments. Although she loved collaborating with other visionaries, Lisa knew she wanted to return to her roots of owning her own company.
After the birth of her second child, a son, it was obvious that no products existed to specifically aid in the prevention of accidental wee-wee .
Peter (Lisa’s husband) first reacted with “there has to be something that can help?!” And so, the Pee-pee Teepee™ was born!